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Lady Louise Windsor to become first female Royal to join military? Report says..

Serving in the military has been a long tradition among the British Royals. Continuing the legacy, Lady Louise Windsor, daughter of Prince Edward and Sophie, is mulling to become the first female Royal since the late Queen Elizabeth II to join the military.
According to a report by The Sun, the 20-year-old Princess is an avid member of St Andrews’ University Officers’ Training Corps.
Lady Louise Windsor is also the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II and the youngest niece of King Charles III.
Walking on the footsteps of her cousins Prince William and Prince Harry, Lady Louise Windsor ‘has fallen in love’ with the army cadets, reported the daily quoting a source.
“She talks about being very keen on a career in the military, serving the King and country. She is all about the Army Cadets and has fallen in love with it,” The Sun reported, quoting a source.
Sixteenth in line to the throne, Lady Louise Windsor posted on her LinkedIn page, “I am interested in pursuing a career in the military, diplomacy, or law.”
It is to be known that Queen Elizabeth II was a Junior Commander with the Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War II. Till now, she remains the only female member of the Royal Family to serve in the Armed Forces.
Looking at data, there are several others who have served in the British military.
King Charles was in the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976. Lady Louise Windsor’s father, Edward, trained with the Royal Marines in 1987; however, he left after just four months.
Prince William, commissioned into the Army in December 2006, joined the Household Cavalry.
His younger brother, Prince Harry, was the last Royal to serve in a war when he did two tours of Afghanistan.
